Tanya Zuckerbrot on The F-Factor

Tanya Zuckerbrot is a Registered Dietitian in private practice in New York City and the founder of the popular F-Factor Diet. The F-Factor is the most liberating and sustainable approach to permanent weight loss and optimal health. “The diet is high in fiber and protein, the two nutrients that keep us feeling full for the longest amount of time, on the fewest calories, which makes for weight loss without hunger.” Tanya says that fiber also revs up your metabolism and pulls fat and calories out of the body “Adequate protein ensures you maintain muscle mass, which keeps you lean and strong and also revs metabolism.” 

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While the F in F-Factor stands for fiber, it also stands for family, fun, friends, and free time because from day on F-Factor, Tanya says you can dine out, drink alcohol, eat carbs and work out less — all while still losing weight. 

When Tanya went to college, she gained the “freshman 15,” and it was the first time she realized that the foods she ate not only impacted her weight but the way she felt. “It inspired me to learn about the connection between food and health. I applied to the food and nutrition program at NYU, which I incorrectly believed would focus on the study of food.”

She says it was when she arrived on the first day of class that she found that the NYU program was science-based, with prerequisites including anatomy, physiology, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry “I was surprised to learn that I loved science, which inspired me to become a Registered Dietitian and purse my Master’s Degree in Food and Nutrition studies.”  

Tanya says that while she is recognized today for her success in the weight loss space, she did not initially set out to help people lose weight. “I graduated from NYU with a clinical degree in nutrition and went into private practice to improve peoples health through nutrition intervention.” She worked with diabetic and cardiovascular patients, and she prescribed them high-fiber diets for fiber’s clinical benefits. Following her program, these patients saw improvements in their health, and there was also an unexpected but much-welcomed byproduct, which was weight loss. “Patients were consuming fiber for its clinical benefits, which lead to them feeling fuller on fewer calories throughout the day, resulting in weight loss without the hunger.” The friends and colleagues of her patients took note and began to call in requesting diets for themselves, but for the wright loss benefits, not to manage their sugars of cholesterol levels. “This was the birth of the F-Factor Diet, and the practice and brand grew from there.”


Tanya’s favorite part about helping others is the impact it has on their health and wellbeing. “When people lose weight, their quality of life improves; they are not only getting healthier but feel better about themselves and report feeling more productive, and more confident too.” 

The advice she would give to someone looking to better manage their weight or begin living a healthier lifestyle would be to eat fiber. Tanya says that fiber has the most incredible weight management and health benefits, and high fiber foods are packed with antioxidants and nutrients. 

When it comes to weight management, Tanya says that fiber does not contribute calories, yet fills you up and keeps you feeling full for hours. “It also revs metabolism and binds with fat and calories and ushers them out of your body. It’s what allows you to eat carbs and still lose weight.”  From a health perspective, she believes and has seen that fiber improves gut health, supports healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, keeps bowel movements regular, and can improve sleep habits. 

To manage a healthy lifestyle, Tanya says one of the important keys is to stay properly hydrated. “Not only does water play a key role in nearly every bodily function, but the symptoms of dehydration can mimic those of hunger. When you are dehydrated, you may feel weak, tired, shaky, and cranky, and that can lead to unnecessary eating to get your energy back up. “Water fills you up, so you tend to eat less, and helps the body flush out toxins.” She says that when one is following a high-fiber diet, proper hydration is particularly important; when fiber and water combine, fiber swells in the stomach, which increases satiety and allows fiber to act like a sponge, soaking up and absorbing fat, calories, cholesterol, and hormones, and ushers them out of the body. “Staying hydrated is also great for digestion, and plump, beautiful skin. I recommend people aim for three liters of water per day to stay properly hydrated.” 

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Tanya uses social media as a tool to educate and empower people. “I use my instagram to authentically share how I live the F-Factor Way.” As the founder of F-Factor, and someone who has been eating this way for over 20 years, she is uniquely positioned to show people how easy it is and inspire them to embrace the lifestyle. “By sharing my travels, my meals, my family time, and social life, I’m able to show that living the F-Factor way does not mean compromising your lifestyle.” 

In five years, Tanya hopes that F-Factor will be regarded as a leader in the weight loss space. “We will have a robust digital platform nd an expanded product portfolio. I will continue to spearhead the company, spreading F-Factor’s message that weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to equate to a life of deprivation, denial, or hunger.” She says that living the F-Factor way is the most liberating, sustainable, and effective way to manage weight, and she hopes that in 5 years, even more people all over the world will be reaping the amazing benefits of this program. 

To find more information on the F-Factor check out their Instagram and website: (@tanyazuckerbrot) www.ffactor.com 


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